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Referring organisations

If you need help, please go through one of these agencies or via your GP. We don't take direct requests.
Other referring agencies and people may also be suitable.

Cornwall Council.png
Adult Care Services
Cornwall Adult Care Services.png
Your GP "Social Prescribing"
Working to end homelessness in Cornwall
CHAOS Group Positive People.png
Positive People Project

Free help during a power cut
Did you know you might be able to get extra help in a power cut?
National Grid Electricity Distribution (formerly Western Power Distribution) runs a Priority Services
to help customers who are very ill, have a disability, or rely on power for medical
If you join their FREE Priority Services Register, they can:

  • Provide a dedicated and direct number you can call during a power cut to get straight

  • through to someone who can help

  • Agree on a password with you before National Grid visits, so you know you can trust the

  • person at the door

  • Provide special help through trusted partners such as British Red Cross if you need it

  • Keep you up-to-date on any planned interruptions to your power supply

  • Stay in touch with you during an unplanned power cut, including advice on how long it will last


Interested? Click on this link to join for free:

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